
Affordable ways to make your home seem more expensive

1. Tiny details

You can add more life into things by adding something unique to it. As an example here I have a tiny Swarovski cat (I got it from my special someone as a Christmas gift) put on a tray full of candles. On the other picture I have wrapped a cheap H&M bracelet around an Ikea candle leg.

2. Keep things in control

Find a way to organize your stuff more efficient. Also don't just let the heavy curtains hang all over the place, keep them in place by wrapping something around them. In the picture I have used an actual curtain tie from Zara, but a DIY way to do this could be a robe, a chain, a necklace... choice is yours. In the past I have actually used a chain necklace myself, and it looked pretty.

3. Make it cozy

More blankets, pillows and other warm fuzzy things you have, the better. I, being stingy myself, have always waited until sales, and then done the shopping. The golden pillowcase pictured below cost only 3 bucks in H&M Home, the darker, beyond huge blanket was 24 bucks and the lighter blanket cost me only 15 bucks at my local discount store.

 4. Adjust the lighting

In my opinion what makes the home in the end is the lighting. At your working space you probably want it super bright, but elsewhere you should most likely keep it softer. Every space should have a bright light source in case it's needed sometimes, but the everyday lights should be used to make the home seem welcoming. At my home I have a bright ceiling light with which I can light up the whole room, but I often only use other light sources such as my floor lamps and candles

5. The positioning

If positioned on the right way, small amount of objects can easily seem more and vice versa. Often leaving some empty space between furniture makes the place seem cleaner and bigger. Remember to acknowledge the lighting as you decorate, and take breaks just to see it all from a distance.

6. Keep it whole

Choose a color theme. Or at least a certain color hue, pastels for example. That way it will all fit together. You can also do this with textures and patterns. Keep in mind that sometimes less is more, and patterns especially should be used carefully. 

Unfortunately I still haven't decided of what carpet to buy. Help me. :D

7. Improvise!

Best ideas are found by just trying everything that comes into your mind.

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